Free, online classes available now
Happy christmas and new year!
last class tuesday 17 december
Bosham Village Hall
Your Yoga, main hall
Mondays 6pm - 7pm and thursdays 4:45pm - 5:45pm
New to yoga? Want a gentle start to being more active? Over 50? Fit but inflexible? Hate exercise boot camp?
This is Your Yoga. Join me for a gentle way to learn how to improve your balance, strength, flexibility and mental well-being. Suitable for anyone, any age, who wants a less demanding class.
Prices: £10 drop-in, or buy 5 classes £41, 10 classes £80.
Chidham & Hambrook Village Hall
Feel-good Yoga, upstairs room
Tuesdays and thursdays 9.30am-10.45am
Unwind and explore what you’re able to do in a non-competitive environment, then continue with your day refreshed and invigorated. A balanced programme of meditation, posture work, pranayama (breathing practice) and relaxation. Suitable for any age or ability as easier alternatives are provided. The longer class gives us more time to try some postures not included in the Your Yoga class, but no previous experience is necessary.
Prices: £12 drop-in, or buy 5 classes £51, 10 classes £94.
tickets don’t go out of date, so you can buy 5 or 10 to use any time.
What to wear and bring
Wear comfortable clothing that allows plenty of movement. Layers are good so you can adjust your comfort. Bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water. Blocks, straps (or an old tie or belt) can also be very helpful. Booking isn’t essential but feel free to contact me to discuss anything beforehand if you wish.